

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fashion .. blaH/Blah/bLah .. let's be Warriorettes/Warriors ;)

It's 2010 & everyone has their opinion about what's "in" & what's not. ---Let's try to embrace alittle alteration. ♥

It takes a Warrior(guy) & a Warriorette(gal) to be bold & to not allow anyone to make them feel low about what they wear and/or how they wear it, no matter if it was made in the new millineum or in the 18th century! Trust me.. style has nOoOo expiration date! Although a certain fashion may only look good in its time, you can step out of the box & extended that fashion (which is in the 'now') & turn it into your own style!

Be brave & unafraid. Be free & express your creativity. Be sensitive, lay aside your pride. Be extraordinaire, be a champion, conquer the world through style, a Warrior/Warriorette. ^_^

Embrace Y O U ♥

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